I believe these are the ingredients of a ‘successful life’

  • To live a life that is authentically our own

  • Connection & awareness to the radiant joy & energy that is always accessible within

  • Awareness of our and belief in our deep personal strength & unique gifts

  • Presence & remembering we all just want to be loved and we all need connection

  • Generously sharing of our gifts and knowledge for the betterment of others; & ultimately,

  • Surrendering the outcomes & expectations of our efforts and the future

I’m choosing to lead a life that courageously pursues my heart’s whisperings… not one designed by anyone else.

How about you?

Hi! I’m Ann Marie - thanks for stopping by.

If you’ve stumbled on this site… you’ve either been inspired by my art… heard about a retreat or workshop… or possibly read a musing of mine and wanted to learn more about me. Welcome!

There is a lot I could say about my life and past experiences (I’ll leave that mostly to my musings). The general jist is, I was a creative child… voted ‘most artistic’ of my highschool senior class and I initially followed my heart & studied Fine Art at University.

But when I came to my graduation, even though my heart encouraged me to paint and draw - I told myself it was time to ''get serious” and “get a real job”. And so I set my paint brushes, pencils and conté aside and started planning to ‘be a grown up’.

I searched for how I was going to bring my love for creating into a ‘real job’, initially undertaking a post grad program in advertising arts for a year. Though I ‘could do it’ I knew I wasn’t passionate for it, so I set my sights on the ‘more creative’ side of the business world, and ended up in marketing.

Over the year’s my paint brushes and pencils lay pretty dormant...

Instead, I’ve ‘created’ by starting businesses and leading different ventures. I developed a franchisable fast food concept new to Australia; I’ve built some 40+ websites for myself and marketing clients, volunteered & headed the board of not for profits, developed apps and an online SAAS platform, in addition to creating an international movement in yoga therapy.

More recently I’ve developed a boxed wine concept to put fine wine into a more sustainable & healthier package. Amongst this all, I’ve also navigated challenging relationships, managed through the world’s longest lockdown in Melbourne, Australia (265 days!) and juggle the needs of 4 children under 17 (2 biological and 2 step).

As much as I’ve been rewarded for different aspects of my journey, and certainly had some fun and some successes along the way, underneath it all - has been an underlying hint of confusion and disappointment. A bit like something in my life is missing… or not quite right.

I closed down my global therapeutic yoga platform and apps in ‘22 to create more space to let the answers within come to life. Despite throwing in a wedding and another business venture, I’ve also re-committed to my meditation practice and intentionally created a more space to contemplate and allow the whispers of my heart to grow louder.

And finally… I’ve embraced what I’ve known for so long…

I’m here to create and share my art… and to write and share the wisdom I’ve learned about breaking free from ‘what we should do’ and reconnecting instead to the unique path our heart calls us to.

And so here I am. Leaning in to the discomfort of putting myself out there, embracing my story and becoming vulnerable.

While I (of course!) hope my story will inspire others and help give them the courage to create lives more strongly connected to their own heart’s inner wisdom, I am surrendering to the outcome.

I will paint (& write) from my heart…

I will be vulnerable - and courageous - and share my story in hopes that in time, I will have left a ripple that inspires a few others to intrepidly pursue their own heart’s whisperings; to break free from the conditioning that holds so many of us back from creating our most authentic life.

On this site, you’ll find my musings… my art… opportunities to connect & (and if you’re called to) ways to work with me.

“Make a list of the things that make you happy…
Then make a list of the things you do every day.

Compare the lists.
Adjust accordingly.”

-Ann Marie Grace

Some of the many things that bring me joy that I like to fill my days with. How about you?